"Panda"- 3 months old
Three months is said to be the magical time where the hardest parts of the newborn phase begin to fade and more & more happy moments fill your days (and nights). It is also said that, at this time, things begin to feel manageable and you begin to regain your life. While I haven't experienced this part yet, my days are being filled with lots of happy moments with my beautiful, sweet three-month-old.
She also has become good friends with the baby in the mirror. She loves to smile at the baby in the mirror. When the baby in the mirror smiles back, she squeals with delight and "talks" to the baby for a bit. Her brothers giggle in the background-- they think it's quite funny that she doesn't seem to understand that the baby in the mirror is her own reflection ;)
I'm loving how talkative she is. Especially with Justin & I. She locks eyes with us, smiles, and then talks away. It's fun to watch her eyes sparkle, and her eyebrows and mouth change shape as she's thinking about what to say (below).
When she's upset, her brothers race to her and sing silly songs and get right in her face. While the extreme closeness makes me a bit claustrophobic to watch, she cheers right up. She LOVES her brothers and they LOVE her.