Kindergarten Graduation

A full school-year has passed and so much has happened in these 9 short months.  Paul has grown up so much and learned a lot.  It's hard to recognize change on a day-to-day basis, but when reflecting on the first few days of school, I realize how young and small Paul really was, and what a grown up boy he seems to be today, in comparison.

 First day of school:

 Last day of school:       
To celebrate completing his first year of school, his teacher, Mrs. Radcliff, arranged a Kindergarten Graduation-- complete with caps and Kindergarten Graduation Diplomas.  The kids sang a few songs and each presented their favorite thing about Kindergarten or advice for next year's Kindergarteners.  Paul chose to give advice, which was to know that Kindergarten "is fun."  

Paul has truly loved school this year and has expressed (while holding back tears) how much he is going to miss it....and especially, how much he'll miss Mrs. Radcliff.

Update: When tucking Paul into bed tonight, he said, "I can't believe school went by so fast.  I don't know how that happened.  I feel like I'm getting close to being an adult.  (then his eyes start filling with tears)  I'm not ready to be an adult."   

Oh, I love this kid!